Tech DL Taylor Nunez gets the surprise of a lifetime from Kingsbury

Sometimes sports are transcendent, having the ability to change a person’s life. Such was the case at a pre-practice film session for the Texas Tech football team on Wednesday as Taylor Nunez, a walk-on from Midland, TX got some of the best news of his life.

Nunez described how his life-changing moment took him by surprise.

As head coach Kliff Kingsbury was pointing out to the entire team examples of how hard Nunez played in practice, he dropped a bomb.

"“He was just pointing out positive things,” Nunez said, “and out of nowhere — it was kind of like a left hook — he said, ‘And on top of that, you’re on scholarship.’”"

In some sense, non-scholarship players paying their own way through college are the backbone of the program. Though most know they are guaranteed no playing time, they agree to spend their time being knocked around by the first team players while a part of the scout team. They show up every day and give their all for the team knowing that their efforts will never be publicly displayed.

Passed over and under rated, these players are special because they truly want to be at the school they’re attending. They are willing to sacrifice everything to make the football team better. They don’t appear on ESPN or become the king of the college social scene; they are simply content with their opportunity to continue playing football and hopefully prove that they are capable of playing college football.

"“I used to have a lot of pride in myself in high school,” he said, “and that kind of got shot down after signing day passed and I didn’t get any offers at all. I felt like football got taken away from me. But that was when I realized my true identity was in Christ and not in football.” Nunez told the Lubbock Avalance Journal."

Nunez was a quarterback in high school when the 6-foot-3, 200-pound Midland Lee Rebel walked on to be a safety at Tech. However, he took full advantage of the school’s meal plan and put on 55-pounds, prompting the coaches to move him to the defensive line.

Unlike most walk-on players, Nunez actually played in all 12 games for the Red Raiders in 2014 providing much-needed depth along the thin defensive line. He was also a staple on the special teams units.

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Now, Nunez is a scholarship athlete, meaning that no matter how far football takes him, his life will forever be enhanced by his education — paid for by the university’s money, but more so by his heart, faith, and determination. In a world where scholarship athletes give up their chance at an education by losing their scholarship after legal troubles or violations of NCAA rules, it is encouraging to see a young man like Nunez get what he rightfully deserves.

And we can be confident that Nunez won’t take this opportunity for granted. After receiving the good news in front of his entire team, the big burly football player broke down and cried. A moment of raw emotion he was not ashamed of letting his brothers in uniform see might be the spark to motivate other young men in the room to follow Nunez’ example.

The son of an insurance agent, Nunez was elated to share the news with his father, Domingo.

"“You put in so many hours and so much work and time to give your absolute best,” he said, “because my dad’s paying for my school and it’s been a stress for him and a struggle.“I’m about to call him and tell him, ‘You don’t have to pay for my school anymore. It’s taken care of.’”"

Being the first in my family to graduate from college, I understand how Texas Tech changed my life forever. However, each month, when the Feds take my student loan payment out of my account before I can even say “Hello” to that money, I’m reminded what an education has cost me.

But for Taylor Nunez, that will no longer be a burden he carries, and he deserves it because he worked hard for this opportunity. And for the remainder of his life, when he looks upon his wife, children, grandchildren, and his parents, he will know that his hard work as a twenty-something-year-old kid has improved the lives of everyone he loves.

And it’s pretty certain that from now on, when he sees a Double-T, he will be reminded just how far character, persistence, hard work and humility can take a kid from the Permian Basin. If there ever was someone that embodied the line “Fearless Champions Ever Be…” from the Matador Song, it is Taylor Nunez.

Congratulations to Taylor and his entire family. West Texas success stories like yours are what make the unbreakable fabric of Texas Tech. Guns Up from Wreck ‘Em Red!