Texas Tech University's athletic department is in the midst of its first academic year sporting adidas uniforms. Of course, that was a move that was facilitated in large part by former Red Raider quarterback Patrick Mahomes II, who has been an adidas spokesperson for years.
However, it won't be long until the Texas Tech football program no longer sports the iconic adidas thre-stripe logo. According to head coach Joey McGuire, who appeared on the David Pollack College Football podcast this week, by 2026, Tech football will be the first program in America to wear the Patrick Mahomes II logo exclusively.
"The one thing we've done that's absolutely a game-changer for us," McGuire said, "is we've paired with adidas, Texas Tech, and Patrick Mahomes and so we wore two of his jerseys this year, meaning that the adidas was off the jersey and it was his gladiator logo, the P and the M.
"And so in 2026, we'll move to every single thing that we wear, will not have the adidas three stripes but will have the Mahomes gladiator. So you see 'Jumpman' and you see Nike, Texas Tech and Patrick Mahomes and adidas are transitioning to that."
Of course, Texas Tech fans most remember the Colorado game in Lubbock from last fall when the Red Raiders wore Mahomes-brand alternate uniforms that were gray with metallic-looking numbers and decals. It was the first time the Mahomes logo had been on a team's uniform, and McGuire said that was one of Mahomes' wishes for his brand.
"People have asked him before with adidas," he said, "like hey, 'Are you ready to do this with other schools?'...and he goes 'We're not doing anything until I get to do it with my university.'"
Certainly, Mahomes is Texas Tech's best ambassador, especially in the world of sports. And what he continues to do for his alma mater is beyond what virtually any other superstar athlete does.
Now, as he continues to become not just an athlete but a businessman and entrepreneur, he is taking Texas Tech along for the ride. That is a partnership that could yield substantial results for both entities for years to come.
Mahomes was one of the driving forces behind the deal between adidas and Texas Tech. Back in November of 2023, when Tech's partnership with adidas was announced, Texas Tech Athletic Director Kirby Hocutt said, "We would not be where we are with adidas, embarking on a new ten-year relationship, without our former quarterback Patrick Mahomes."
Now, that relationship is set to take a positive step forward with the Red Raiders being the first team to sport the Mahomes Brand. It is yet another sign that the relationship between the quarterback and his alma mater is as strong as it's ever been.